Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Veterinarian Appointment and Around Town

I took Tibbs to the vet last week, and I was sure nervous on the way there.  This was my first time taking Tibbs to the vet.  I was so pleased to see the highly accessible vets office and entry.  The waiting room was huge.  They even had an office cat that Tibbs and I had to get close to to see if it was real.  Their cat liked its sunny spot in the office window and did not want to move. With all the new smells and the new office Tibbs liked to sit with me and look around. We waited until it was our turn to get called back to the exam room.  I was again so pleased to see the very big and clean room.  Tibbs was extra snugly and I think he knew what was coming.  When the veterinarian came in he examined Tibbs and of course he said he was perfect.  He took him for a moment to the lab room to get his blood drawn for testing.  It only took a few seconds and the vet said he did wonderful, but it seemed I think to Tibbs that he had been gone for years.  You see Tibbs and I are never really apart he can always see or hear me.  Tibbs gave a very sweet and long visit with his head on my lap while we waited for the results, and was SO happy to be back at my side. The veterinarian came back and had all of Tibbs annual shots. Tibbs did great as he effortlessly took the shots and was sure ready to go as soon as we could.  He must have gotten that confidence from helping me with my shots😅.  We paid for his visit and were sure to say goodbye to the sweet office kitty on our way out.  Tibbs hopes we do not have to go back until next year.  It was a good visit overall and we were glad to find a vet office close to home to take good care of him.  

I love shopping, but Tibbs makes it even better.   To go into the store Tibbs must get ready first.  I grab his vest and tell him "get dressed".  Tibbs is great about helping in such a small space.  I get Tibbs all dressed in vest and Halti, and he goes into a "behind", where he follows my chair to go safely into the parking lot.  


He helps me navigate through the traffic, and sometimes helps me open the doors if they are not automatic.   We sometimes have to squeeze down the isles, especially when it is busy.  If the isles are tight I sometimes have him go in a "front" or "behind" to make room for others to pass by.  If I need to to stop and look I have him "line up" so that he is out of the way and he stays safe from carts and things going by. Sometimes things are just to hard for me to reach. I can tell Tibbs to "get it" and "give lap". He can get things from low shelves and give them to me, or rise and put them into the cart. I know what you are thinking what if it is food or something like that. Tibbs is pretty amazing, and can even get food items gently without damaging them.  I am always sure it is something we are going to get before I have him "get it".  It has not happened yet, but just like if you break something at a store, if he did I would buy it.  If I drop my purse or coat he is always willing to "get it" for me quickly.  I get a lot of people talking to me at the store since I have been able to bring Tibbs.  I know it is hard to imagine, but everyone seems to think Tibbs is as cute as I do😍😍.  Tibbs and I love the self checkouts where we can use the handheld scanner to scan all our purchases.  He can even help bag groceries.  I like to go shopping when its not busy so we do not feel rushed by people waiting in line.  Tibbs helps get the door at the store, and get back to the van.  He is a pro at backing into the car.  This is something we worked on a bunch at first, but now reads my body language and knows just how to navigate with me with just a few cues.  I help him undress from his gear.  After a shopping trip in town we are both ready to go home and relax! 


Do you have an idea for a new blog topic for me to write about?  Leave a suggestion in the comments, I would love to hear your ideas!


  1. Captain Kass and Tango Tibbs are at it again. I love the shopping expedition. Totally get how amazing our service dogs are with food, toy, and pet store shopping.

    Always Able Ace was a trooper at his vet last week. The visit was a practice run. Ace's annual checkups are in April.

    The preparation testing verifies our service dogs do not have separation issues when away from us, but not the other way around. I had an overnight sleep study in a lab without Ace. This explains the bald head when we last saw each other. Anyway, I kept reaching for him beside the bed and listening for his snores.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the drool bib for Ace. He looks great with it on AND the squeaky pig toy is a hoot. Ace loves it!

  2. I have been through many sleep studies too. Tibbs has never come, but I am hoping he will next time. So glad Ace loves the squeaky pig!


Rare Disease Legislative Advocates Youth & Teen Advocacy Day

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