Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Welcome to Eye Level with Kass and Tibbs

For my first post I want to tell you a little bit about my life and what Eye Level with Kass and Tibbs means to me.  As far back as I can recollect I have felt different from my siblings and my peers.  I was never able to keep up, I always felt tired, and was always out of breath.  When I was about four years old I found out that I have a very rare form of Congenital Muscular Dystrophy.  Collagen 6 Congenital Muscular Dystrophy is a rare disease that causes muscle weakness. There is currently no treatment or cure for this disease.  While some that are diagnosed never gain the ability to walk, some others lose the ability as they get older. Those affected  often have respiratory insufficiency, failure to thrive, contractures, and scoliosis.  Although at age four I probably did not fully understand what my diagnosis was, I know that is when we were able to start getting the help and answers to make me feel the best I could. Getting the right doctors, breathing support, mobility devices, nutrition, and dog support all have all been steps in helping me.  I now understand what it takes to feel my best, and also live life to its fullest.  Before I got Tibbs (my service dog from Paws Giving Independence) when I met people they always asked questions about my wheelchair or disability, or avoided me altogether.  As soon as I got Tibbs people were eager to interact with me.  People tend to not know how to interact with individuals in wheelchairs. I understand that a wheelchair can look intimidating, or you may be nervous that you might say the wrong thing. Individuals in wheelchairs want to be treated just like everyone else.  Everyone tends to know how to interact with a cute dog.  Tibbs tends to break the ice in opening conversations.  He has led me to meet all kinds of interesting people. Tibbs also supports  me and allows me to have more independence than I have ever had in my life. I want to use this blog and share stories and videos about Tibbs and I's life together and our many adventures.  I hope you will follow along with us. Maybe you will learn something new, or maybe you can give me some ideas for our next adventures. 


  1. Kass, thank you for all your experience at Paws Giving Independence. I benefited from your work with Ace. You are an amazing person and a great trainer. Enjoy your road trips.

    1. Thank you! I LOVE Ace and am glad he is doing so well with you!

  2. Hey! I finally figured out how to comment. Now I have to get caught up. I enjoy hearing more about your condition. As you know... you and Tibbs make such a great team. Thank you for working with Ace. I know he loved his time with you.


Rare Disease Legislative Advocates Youth & Teen Advocacy Day

Rare Disease Legislative Advocates Youth and Teen Advocacy Day took place on June, 18th 2024. I had the opportunity to speak about important...